Badge night on Friday


This Friday night we’re going to talk to the Cubs about badges, in particular those that they’re close to achieving. A number of Cubs only need to do one or two activities to earn a badge and we’re keen to encourage them to get those that they can.

Outdoor Challenge
Some Cubs only need to do a “Camp Review” to get their Outdoor Challenge Badge.

A Camp Review could be a 3-4 page PowerPoint presentation listing the activities that they like most about camp. They could show this to the other Cubs and talk about the things that they like or dislike about camp. Doing it this way, they’d also earn points towards the Creative Challenge badge. If you don’t have PowerPoint, they could do a poster to describe their camp experiences.

It would be great if some of the Cubs could bring something along on Friday, alternatively we’ll do this on another Friday night after our visit to the Police Station.

Fitness Challenge
Some Cubs only need to keep an activity / food diary for two weeks to complete this challenge badge. A blank diary can be downloaded here.

Individual badges
Many of the Cubs will have hobbies that can count towards Cub badges, such as Artist, Book Reader, Collector, Cyclist, DIY, Martial Arts, Swimmer, Musician and so on. If you discuss these with your Cub(s) before Friday, they can ask me questions on the night. Alternatively, feel free to send me an email with questions.

There are links to the activity badges here :,67,127

Our records
We keep records of progress towards badges on a database and you can see some of the information online.

If your Cub has started a badge, but wants to know what is needed to complete it, please feel free to send me an email or ask on Friday. Similarly, if you think that you are “owed” a badge or wonder why you missed out on one, just let me know.

All the best
Richard (Bagheera)

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